Survival And Life: The Lessons I have Learned



I am happy to introduce my new book,  Survival And Life , The lessons I learned. To all those who ordered the book under the title, Life And Survival, I simply unpublished it and republished it under this new name, because I had mistakenly published the wrong unedited manuscript under the name Life and Survival.  You will therefore receive the book under the title Survival And Life, The lessons I learned. It is the same book.



Life may never be as easy as you desire. To live a life as normal as possible, you need to learn how to survive and take care of your basic needs. If you are having difficulties surviving in this world that is becoming more and more complicated, then your life is going to be very hard, miserable, and depressing.

I have been to hell for such a long time and even ended up being an off-and-on chronic homeless. Despite the feelings of shame and despair, I used the lessons I learned through hard time to make life better for myself.. I am sharing those lessons to inspire and motivate you, so you can believe in the power within you to change your reality, overcome stress and anxiety and the hurdles on your path.